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"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind"

Gandhi was the leader of the Indian nationalist movement against
British rule, and a great voice for freedom and independence. The
name Mahatma means "Great Soul".

This famous quote refers to an Old Testament reference regarding the
legal penalties for violence. Gandhi rejected violence as a means to
change, and only engaged in peaceful ways of protest.
A version of this quote was in fact also used by Dr Martin Luther
King Jr during the struggle for civil rights and equality in the
USA. Both men were proponants of the power of the people and their
peaceful methods carried great weight and helped bring about social

Mahatma Gandhi was born in 1869 in India, but his work as a lawyer
led him to South Africa. He worked here to secure the rights of
Indians living under British rule. Returning to India, he became the
leader of the Indian nationalist movement where he actively led the
campaign for India"s independence, gained in 1947.

With the partition of India and Pakistan, rioting between Hindus and
Muslims broke out. Being a staunch advocate for a united India,
Gandhi began a fast to shame rioting mobs into order. Five days
later the opposing leaders pledged to stop the fighting and Gandhi
broke his fast. However not long after, Gandhi was assassinated by a
Hindu extremist who was opposed to his willingness to engage in
dialogue with people of all religions.